Youtube Audio Preview

Wow. It seems someone at YouTUBE took this comic seriously and decided to add an “Audio Preview” feature. Now you can hear your comments read aloud to you.

Of course, it’s an optional button using speech synth rather than a mandatory dramatic reading, so it’ll just be used for entertainment by people who haven’t played with a speech synthesizer before:

But then, after a little more browsing around, I see this:

So maybe there’s hope after all.

576 replies on “Youtube Audio Preview”

  1. When JavaScript is disabled, the boxes or columns appear with varying heights, but the content remains legible and the page is still completely usable.


  2. In this colorful world, we have to love life, love sports, lovers nature ,lovegoogleEvery woman like beautiful bag, hope oneself look
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  3. Youtube audio sounds like a good program to use. Even though some people have not been happy with it. Everyone likes different things and whose to say what will or will not work for someone else?


  4. I didn`t know that function until i came across your writings here, damn! Unbelievable. Using youtube a lot to see some Quad Videos but never ecognised that fuction before.


  5. Taking many shots and picking the best isn’t new with digital photography. There’s a good chance that the photo of Muhammad Ali was one of a sequence taken on film at three frames per second.


  6. Wonder what the automated voice sounds like. Better not be some microsoft sam or mary nonsense. That would defeat the purpose of this deal.


  7. Darling, darling xkcd man,

    You should really implement the same feature on this website. From reading the comments above, I think it’s needed.


  8. WOW the youtube audio wasnt very loud to start of but since i’ve read this post i’ve notice that the youtube voulume increase thanks to your tips


  9. Wow… this site has gathered a lot of spam. I’d like to go through and filter it. Theres something cleansing about obliterating false signposts.


  10. Thanks for this and the other great Backbone code and articles. One thing I’d love to see you cover that I haven’t found a good tutorial for yet is handling Bootstrap’s modals, tooltips and popovers–is this something you plan to cover soon?


  11. have also imported your directoy.sql file into a ready made database and everything seems to work just great. The problem arises when I select an employee from the drop-down list. It sets the correct URL but nothing shows and I’m not sure why. Obviously I’m connecting to the DB ok as the people wouldn’t appear in the drop-down list so not sure where to start looking.


  12. I should be more specific. When I select an employee from the drop-down list it just stays on the homepage but the URL changes in the address bar! I’m thinking it might be to do with the fact I’m on a local setup


  13. I found Christophe’s use of the backbone Collection object to be a bit confusing because it was different from other tutorials on Backbone that I have read. Most other tutorials show a Collection to be a grouping of Models.


  14. Note that this is NOT “wrong.” Backbone does not establish how anyone uses the MVC pattern. But to me, it sort of broke the concept of a ‘Collection’ of ‘Models’. Creating such a variable (‘reports’) within the ‘Employee’ model may well be the best implementation and certainly shows the power of Backbone to do whatever you want. I just thought it needed some clarification.


  15. My take would have been to loop through the list of employees who report to a person (i.e. the Restful resource URI ‘getEmployeeByName()’ and create a model for each of those employees, then instantiate those into the ‘EmployeeCollection’ collection and go from there. To me, that would have kep the concept of a “collection” intact.


  16. If you do a Globalogiq html search for “js/bootstrap.min.js” you can find a bunch of examples of sites using bootstrap. Or do a search for “backbone-min.js” to find sites using backbone.


  17. How I can use bootstrap dropdown box with backbone. hover is disabled for DD in bootstrap, I have to click. It’s okay but backbone router take over and route to href instead of open Dropdown box. How to deal with that?


  18. Great post- thanks for sharing. I’ve been looking for something like this for awhile, and this definitely helped clear up some confusion for me. Love how you mentioned composite view, that was super helpful!


  19. Note that this is NOT “wrong.” Backbone does not establish how anyone uses the MVC pattern. But to me, it sort of broke the concept of a ‘Collection’ of ‘Models’. Creating such a variable (‘reports’) within the ‘Employee’ model may well be the best implementation and certainly shows the power of Backbone to do whatever you want. I just thought it needed some clarification.ddf


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