Remember limericks? They were huge in the mid-20th century, but fell on hard times over the last couple decades. Now so many dirty limericks are a generation out-of-date, and the really clever ones lie neglected and un-retold.

I want more limericks, and I want the cleverest ones collected somewhere. It strikes me that a certain modern system for collecting bits of funny text might be perfect for both these goals.

So, after a moment’s work, I’ve set up, which you’ll recognize as similar to Submit away, both old and new! Anonymity is encouraged and a respect for meter is required. Dirtiness is not mandatory, but it helps.

197 replies on “”

  1. I hope it goes back up again! There is definitely still demand for limericks on the interblag.


  2. I was in the middle of writing a paper for my linguistics class on limerickdb when it disappeared! Bring it back! Give me an A!


  3. Remember limericks? They were huge in the mid-20th century, but fell on hard times over the last couple decades. Now so many dirty limericks are a generation out-of-date, and the really clever ones lie neglected and un-retold.


  4. I want more limericks, and I want the cleverest ones collected somewhere. It strikes me that a certain modern system for collecting bits of funny text might be perfect for both these goals.


  5. When I visited Japan, I was amazed by the giant grapes I saw in the stores. These always looked like they were meant to be gifts for someone else, so I never bought any for myself. Perhaps such large grapes aren’t very flavorful, though?

    When it comes to apples, I have to agree that Fujis taste the best. This is the type I always buy.1


  6. I need LimerickDB to come back for personal validation. I need to know if I’m still number one.


  7. I believe that I’d still like to see
    That site titled limerick D B
    It brought many laughs
    Amid myriad gaffs
    And was quite the time-waster for me


  8. I came across the need to rotate sites when I desired to put together an product promotion co-op. I wanted to gather a pool of cash for online advertising, to obtain a cheaper rate.Each individual member who participated in the co-op, gave me a fee for each advertising position. Afterward,Ralph Lauren Polo Stripe I would point visitors through the web-site traffic resource to the rotator link, and every coop member would end up getting potential prospects to his or her business web page.


  9. @PUOT: Okat, you’re almost there. Your vocabulary is almost perfect for the synthesis of limericken, but you need to work a bit on the construction of intelligible sentences and sentence structures. (these will also come in handy for inspiration when you get tired of trying every word you know to see if it fits your narrative. Also it helps in common texts.)

    Then you can start working on the meter. This is the distribution of … among the lines, also tying into the rhyming structure of the limerick. At first, you don’t have to follow the meter exactly, but after a few tries you should at least attempt to keep it strict.

    The last, but in many ways most important part in the construction of limericken, as well as in common text, is content. You need to, at some point, decide on a goal as to what you want to communicate to the reader. Again, this makes it much easier to come up with fitting words to the limerick, as you can try thinking of words that mean what you want the reader to think of as he reads it. In fact, this is rather important when writing in general. I’m frankly surprised you never learned this (or the part about sentence structure) at some kind of educational facility, at least before extending your vocabulary to the size it obviously has now.

    [Bah, I tire of making fun at defenseless bots.]


  10. I’ve heard that some folks’ brains, when struck
    with an interesting problem, get stuck;
    so please, nerds, take care –
    if you aren’t prepared,
    then you might just get hit by a truck.

    ( )


  11. I favor this review and features granted people at least one interest in having achievement a celebrity, as a result thanks a lot. On top of that Instant messaging certainly contemplating posting this information around my personal web site!


  12. AHHHH! Bring it BAAAACK! So much great stuff there, plus I submitted some things. One of my favs:

    This web site is truly a curse
    I just wasted an hour, or worse
    On limerickdb
    Now all that I see
    I read as if written in verse



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  14. Why couldn’t the little boy see
    The epic new pirate movie?
    He was left in the car
    Because it’s rated Arrr
    For scenes of gratuitous booty.


  15. it now turned two thousand and twelve
    and i am still looking to delve
    into verses of wit
    and you must admit
    there are requests you can’t fit on a shelve

    (see what you did there? there shall be no end to the horror until limerickdb is back!)


  16. There once was a Tennessee trucker
    Who was a real good motherfucker
    If he was with a mom
    And she didn’t come
    Then he would lick her and suck her


  17. Why is it down? I’ve never seen it, and would love to. Sounds like was an interesting site!


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