Groundhog Day correction

A number of people have mentioned an issue with today’s comic—in the movie Groundhog Day, it’s actually implied that Phil, Bill Murray’s character, didn’t have sex with Rita. He took her home to his room, but they woke up in the same clothes they fell asleep in. I haven’t seen the movie in a number of years, but I think they’re right—and bit of Googling suggests that I’m not the only one who was confused on that point.

Groundhog Day is, like Office Space, a comedy containing a gimmick that really sticks with you, even as the rest of the story fades. Or, at least, it did with me—I’ve probably seen the movie a couple of times, but I think I’ve spent a lot more time dwelling on the time loop scenario it describes. Now that people have raised the question, I’m not even sure that I interpreted the scene this way when I was watching it.

From a sci-fi point of view, the whole idea that the time loop was broken by emotional/personal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physics. (Or, at least, there aren’t enough of us to support a big-budget movie.) So while drawing my comic, I remembered that the time loop ended after he took Rita back to his room, and I filled in the typical romanticized Sleeping Beauty idea that I assumed had gone with it.

I appreciate the corrections—in addition to being a reminder to double-check pop culture references, it’s driven home for me what a neat, original movie Groundhog Day really is.

And now I wonder what kind of misconceptions I have about Ghostbusters.

347 replies on “Groundhog Day correction”

  1. efrerfed in a number of spiritual/religious ideas, and the one they focus on here basically says that if you don’t recognize and work to fix your own flaws, you’ll keep running into the same problems in your life, over and over again. Bill Murray’s major flaw is his narcissism, so he can’t break out of the cycle (a lifestyle where everyone around him is repetitive and annoying and always the same, and he can never quite reach his ideals) until he demonstrates empathy. Trying to play Andie MacDowell doesn’t work (it’s obviously selfisdfer.


  2. fewci-fi point of view, the whole idea that the time loop was broken by emotional/personal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physics. (Or, at least, there aren’t enough of us to support a big-budget movie.) So while drawing my comic, I remembered that the time loop ended after he took Rita back to his room, and I fifer.


  3. dweqhose things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physics. (Or, at least, there aren’t enough of us to support a big-budget movie.) So while drawing my reqwf.


  4. qwerfa sci-fi point of view, the whole idea that the time loop was broken by emotional/personal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physics. (Or, at least, there aren’t enough of us to support a big-budget movie.) So while drawing my cowerdf.


  5. dqwevundhog Day, it’s actually implied that Phil, Bill Murray’s character, didn’t have sex with Rita. He took her home to his room, but they woke up in the same clothes they fell asleep in. I haven’t seen the movie in a number of years, but I think they’re right—and bit of Googling suggests that I’m not the only one who rewfdqw.


  6. qwefersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physicswerfw.


  7. frewfee the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physics. (Or, at least, there aren’t enough of us to support a big-budget movie.) So while drawing my comic, I remembered that the time loop ended after he took Rita back to his roeqwfrqe.


  8. erwflly says that if you don’t recognize and work to fix your own flaws, you’ll keep running into the same problems in your life, over and over again. Bill Murray’s major flaw is his narcissism, so he can’t break out of the cycle (a lifestyle where everyone around him is repetitive and annoyingwerfwe.


  9. dweqonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard model of physics. (Oerfc).


  10. ferwferersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the standard modeqewrfqew.


  11. dwqedfg into the same problems in your life, over and over again. Bill Murray’s major flaw is his narcissism, so he can’t break out of the cycle (a lifestyle where everyone around him is repetitive andefrvqwe.


  12. fwersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the cliwefd.


  13. feefrewrl development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the cliwefwwefdewrf.


  14. erffererersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stane23.


  15. werfsonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions tewrf.ç


  16. wqefersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing reerf.


  17. ewrfeqwfewre where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where tewrfdewrf.


  18. dwqehere the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie eqwrff.


  19. [Ooh, some real interesting spam there. What’s that about?]

    “they woke up in the same clothes they fell asleep in”

    You know… having sex or not, I have *never* woken up in any clothes *other* than those I fell asleep in.

    Maybe I’m sleeping with the wrong people?.


  20. efe where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where thewfc.


  21. frefings movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those thingdwe.


  22. ferewrfthe stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie eerffewr.


  23. dwedqwings movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonawefdqw.


  24. wewrfovies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those thin.


  25. wqef stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a moviewefq.


  26. erwfwethe climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants awef


  27. sdfcnal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wanfe


  28. wedwewethe climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things modwei


  29. wefdevelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of tfera.


  30. wdweefvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies ddo because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to dwowe.


  31. wefwes movies ddo because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie where the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing rewrfeqw.


  32. dwnewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a movie wheref.


  33. dwqe the climax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do because that’s how we like stories to work. Nobody wants a moqwr.


  34. dwelimax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movies do becaufer.


  35. ferlimax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seef.


  36. dwqax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seeerwf.


  37. dwelimax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movife.


  38. dwqex consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemefwe.


  39. dwewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopment seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to one of those things movieefc.


  40. kfdecvists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopmvfew.


  41. dwax consists of an hour of excitedly inferring and testing revisions to the stanewrfcerersonal development seemed kind of cheesy, but I just chalked that up to oerfvelopmnrbtr.


  42. The best ever ‘Ground Hog Day’ themed video was the Stargate SG-1 Episode “Window of Opportunity”


  43. Loved that SG1 episode. Poor Teal’c!

    The ‘garble/quote/garble’ seems to be from a Turkish spam generator.


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